About Us

                     We run a small orphanage in Chitwan with 12 children at the moment, but some of them are not completely orphan. Some have step father or mother but all of them are from the deprive family,completely from the rural area like most of them have never seen a modern equipment or school. Now they are staying with us and going to school here in the beautiful city Chitwan, 145 km far from the capital city of  Kathmandu. We are trying to provide them quality education, basic needs, good moral lessons and everything needed for daily life. We are trying our best to make them fit in this modern world.
    And till today's date we are going sole in our mission/goals. We don't have any foreign aids or governmental helps. In a country like Nepal where we don't have any provision for free education, health care and the care for orphan children, it is very hard to walk alone with 12 children, fulfill their needs. But when we look at their innocent faces, we can see full of new hopes for this world, the smile on their faces which is so true so natural and so pure which inspires us in each and every moment.
     So we would like to request you to come here and experience something new and special in your lifetime. We believe in the hand that serves not the hand that prays. Life is not only about surviving, we should put our hands together to make others alive and there is nothing holier than serving others. The smile on the faces of others gives more spiritual energy to move forward in your life. Lets cross the limitations of life, we can contribute some thing to make others happy. The contribution can be your physical or moral.
 Come on walk with us and see how it feels to see the smiles on those innocent faces.